Sunday, September 7, 2014

of faith and foxholes

in the comments section of various articles about atheism, there always seems to be at least one deist that throws out the old "faith in a foxhole" cliche. i've never understood how that argument works in their favor. what you're saying is, if we put someone in a situation where they are in so much distress that they can no longer think rationally, then they'll believe in god?

really? that's your argument - that faith requires the total abandonment of reason? heck, if that's true, why did we ever come down out of the trees? no wonder orangutans always look so pious - they're obviously several rungs above us on the faith ladder.

listen, folks - is a shit-your-pants moment really the ideal time to reorder your worldview in favor of an invisible old man who lives in the sky and takes advice from sarah palin?

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